Games for Health Europe 2012, Amsterdam, 5-6 November – Live Streaming #GFH12EU

gfheu-280x180Next week, my New Zealander supervisor Dr. Simon McCallum and I are going to attend the Games for Health Europe 2012 conference. Simon is going to speak about personalisation of healthcare with personalised games.

You can find the conference schedule for 5-6 November here

On the 4th of November, Ben Sawyer will hold a seemingly very interesting tutorial on Serious Games Design & Production. More info

Part of the conference will also be streamed. Check the programme below and find the link for the live stream at the end.

Streaming programme:

Day 1 – November 5th, 9.00 – 17.00h CET

Bill Crounse (Microsoft) – Connecting and Kinecting Healthcare

Huib Pols (Erasmus UMC) – Revolutions in medical education: transforming education to strengthen healthcare

John Harrison (Metis Cognition Ltd) – Fighting Alzheimer’s disease: Can gaming help cut the costs and save the patients?

Laurent Anneau (Succubus Interactive) – Social serious games|

William Valkenburg (Theo is online) – Beyond limits

Anna Sort (Health Games and apps consultant) – Designing games as a nurse

Ruslan Savitskij (Innernet AB) – Designing evidence-based games for psychological health

Erica Bowen & Matt Mawer (Coventry University) – Changing attitudes to dating violence in adolescents using a serious game

Ellis Bartholomeus (Ellis in Wonderland) – Playing around with the magic game circle

Jan Willem Huisman (IJsfontein Interactive Media B.V.) – Realization/implementation of games in healthcare

Janko Grassère (Intel Corporation) – Boredom, innovation and wellbeing; a healthy future

Live interviews with John Harrison, Ellis Bartholomeus.

Live report from the exhibition.

Day 2 – November 6th, 9.00-17.00h CET

Martin de Ronde (Vanguard Games) – The problem with serious games

Pascal Schmidt (Travian Games GmbH) – How to reach the masses

Agali Mert (Military rehab center, NL) – Body Posture: successful game for amputee and stroke patients

Richard Smithies (TruSim) – Vitalize, A home-based rehabilitation game system which uses a 3D-depth camera (Kinect) & a web-based clinician’s interface

Mike van Diest (INCAS3) – Exergaming for balance training in elderly: User requirements

Herbert Krakauer (Vita Care TMS) – Therapeutic Mition Simulation, the new movement in care

Ben Krose (Amsterdam University of Applied Science) – Internal representations of movements for exergames

Jacqueline Cawston (The Serious Games Insititute, Coventry University) – Snap – a spoonful of sugar! – A look at the past, present and future of games for health

Joep de Groot (CbusineZ) – How to finance a serious game in healthcare

Daniel Dardani (MIT / Technology Licensing Office) – Technology transfer of health games – Somce licensing issues

Live interview with Herbert Krakauer.

Live report from the exhibition.

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