Commission of trust

  • 2017 – present: Editorial board member for the Multimodal Technologies and Interactions journal (MDPI publishing)

  • 2021 – present: Editorial board member for the Frontiers in Virtual Reality journal (Frontiers Media publishing)

  • 2021 – present: Program committee member for CHI Greece: International Conference of the ACM Greek SIGCHI Chapter (ACM publishing)

  • 2019 – present: Program committee member for CONVERSATIONS: International Workshop on Chatbot Research (Springer publishing)

  • 2020: Quality assessor of the SINTEF report “Managing Extended Reality Initiatives in Organisations” (report no. 2020:00659), part of the strategic effort for the “Digitally Enhanced Worker” at SINTEF

  • 2013 – present: Regular reviewer for several journals, including Behaviour & Information Technology (Taylor Francis), Multimodal Technologies and Interactions (MDPI), International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality (IGI Global), International Journal of Virtual Reality (Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology), Technologies (MDPI), International Journal of Serious Games (IJSG Society), Games for Health Journal (Mary Ann Liebert)

  • 2013 – present: Regular reviewer for numerous conferences, such as ACM CHI: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM), NordiCHI: Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (ACM), CHI Greece: International Conference of the ACM Greek SIGCHI Chapter (ACM), SIGGRAPH Asia: Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics & Interactive Techniques (ACM), PETRA: Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (ACM), SUI: ACM Spatial User Interaction (ACM), CONVERSATIONS: International Workshop on Chatbot Research (Springer), VRST: ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM)