New typology for VR locomotion techniques

An article on a new proposed typology for VR locomotion techniques was published at the Multimodal Technologies and Interaction journal.

The article has the – somewhat unimaginable – title “A Typology of Virtual Reality Locomotion Techniques” and it is co-authored by Dimitra Chasanidou (University of Oslo). This article is an extension of the acclaimed “The New Era of Virtual Reality Locomotion: A Systematic Literature Review of Techniques and a Proposed Typology” article, which is considered as one of the publications with the greatest impact on the VR locomotion research field based on citations per year metrics by Prinz et al.

In this paper, we conducted a systematic literature review – again – but this time the goal is to examine the proposed typology of the base article. The results indicated that the previous typology could not cover teleportation-based techniques enabled by motion (e.g., gestures and gazes). Therefore, the typology was updated, and a new type was added: “motion-based teleporting”.

The new typology from the “A Typology of Virtual Reality Locomotion Techniques” publication.

The article is published under an Open Access licence and can be accessed here:

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